Yesterday, 1ADAM12, NUMNUM, Son of NUMNUM, and a gentleman whom we shall fondly refer to as "Other Craig" set off from Elk Lake an early o'clock with the Dixes in our sights. As with any proper hike, one person started off the day with the sentence, "Oh shit, I forgot (insert a critical piece of equipment here)." This time, it was my turn. I forgot my nice shiny orthodics. After about 4 seconds of contemplation, I said, "Whatever, my feet will just hurt."
We set off and made pretty good time to herd path, and were at the base of the slide shortly after sunrise. While the others flew up the slide, Adam and I took our time (and about 400 pictures). Since this was my first slide climb, I didn't want it to end. I was zig-zagging back and...