46er Peak Wright Peak (4)

Individuals/Families who are working on becoming official Adirondack 46ers by climbing each of the 46 high peaks in the Adirondacks of New York.
We had previously hiked this on April 8, 2004. It was a nice warm spring day, but still some snow and ice on the ground. It was Mark, Justin, Derek, and myself. The trail is a fairly easy trail that meanders upward, with not much for views for a while. There is a nice waterfall that looks absolutely stunning when it is frozen. There were a few steeper sections just before the junction with the trail to Wright Peak, and the trail that continues to Algonquin and beyond.

There are remnants of a plane wreck on Wright along with a plaque that memorializes the crew that crashed on the summit. None of us had found it, nor seen any remnants from a plane. So, looks like we will climb it again and do a little more exploring.

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